Monday, October 5, 2009


Thanks to Mark Batterson (for his recent blog post) and Dr. Jerry Sheveland (for his sermon Sunday) on being who God has made us to be. It was such an encouragement, and a great reminder, to hear again that we need to quit trying to fit some contrived mold and simply allow God to move and work in and through us, making us who HE desires us to be. We spend so much time doing things that we think will help us look/act/talk/sound like a pastor/father/husband/whatever that we fail to simply let God live through us. We've got to spend less time DOING and focus on simply BEING who God has already made us to be.

Brent Allen our pastor here at Old North, will be starting a new series this Sunday on our identity in Christ. He'll be talking about who we are and Whose we are. If you're in the area, join us this week at 9:30, 11:00 or 6:00. If you're not, check it out on the web at .


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

wow, almost a year between posts...that's worse than me!