Saturday, October 17, 2009

His Will vs. My Wants

I had a conversation with a good friend this week, much of which focused on discerning God's will. He's looking at some unexpected opportunities, and he's trying to make sure he doesn't stay when he should go or go when he should stay.

We covered a lot of territory, both theological and practical (and not that theology can't be practical), but I think I can sum it up pretty well in one statement: When God's will and my wants don't line-up, guess which one's off the mark?

I had the opportunity to hear author Ruth Haley Barton this summer, and she talked about praying "the prayer of indifference." On first hearing that term, I thought, "The last thing I want is to be indifferent." As she explained it, though, it made perfect sense...My prayer of indifference is simply asking God to help me set aside my own preferences in order that I might be totally open to whatever He has for me. Too often, my understanding of God's will is colored by my own desires and preferences. The prayer of indifference, then, really leads me to a passion for the things God desires.

Lord, take away my wants and lead me to a point of indifference where all I desire is You. Amen.

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