Wednesday, October 7, 2009

BEING Instead of DOING?

We've got to spend less time DOING and focus on simply BEING who God has already made us to be. Does that statement from my last post sound like I'm suggesting that we cease giving any thought or attention to what we DO? Well, please know it's NOT what I meant. But just yesterday our pastor posed a very good question--"Does God care more about who we are OR what we do?" The answer, of course, is that God cares much more about who we are.

"But who we ARE determines what we DO," you might say, and you're quite right. It's a matter of focus, though. (And, yes, DOing certain things can help influence who we become.) Nonetheless, I really believe we need to put more effort and attention into helping people recognize who God has called them to BE and less time in asking them to DO more and more.

One of the biggest challenges in that, though, is measuring how well we're able to help people BE. Measuring character is difficult, while measuring what and how much people DO is a lot easier. And, for good reason, we have a deep-seated need to measure how well we're accomplishing our goals (how else do we recognize where we need to improve?). The BEing, though, has to come before the DOing.

Back to the original point, we aren't really who God desires us to BE until it leads us to DO the things God calls us to do, but it's got to start with a recognition and understanding of who God has made us to BE.

More on that to come!

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