Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So Much More

In a few hours, I'll be leaving to pick-up our middle daughter from college in Oklahoma, swing by my parents' house in MO, and then drive back here to OH. Emily's finishing her sophomore year in college already! In less than two weeks, Kim, our oldest, will be coming in from Mexico for a visit, and in just over three weeks, Mallory, our youngest, will be graduating from high school.

My wife and I have been blessed so far beyond anything we could even begin to imagine or deserve when it comes to our daughters. They are each unique, of course, but they each love God and are serving Him in the way they sense Him leading. They are beautiful, both inside and out, and they bless Brenda and I in ways they don't even realize.

What's amazing to me is that it was only about 3 1/2 weeks ago (or so it seems) that they were toddlers.......or in preschool.......or even in grade school. But here they are--our youngest about to graduate, our middle daughter half-way through college, and our oldest already a graduate and serving God in Mexico. No more than we knew about being parents when they came along, it's clear that God deserves all the credit and we are simply the beneficiaries of His goodness and grace.

Of course, that's really true in every area of our lives. Even in those situations in which He chooses to use we humans as tools to effect His will, the blessings, the results, are totally from Him. In this particular case--our girls--it just seems like He did it overnight! Whatever His timeline was, though, His blessings are magnificent beyond measure.

To God be the Glory!