Yes, that's a genuine Olympic torch we're holding! At the Rusky Dom, no less!
We spent the rest of the afternoon visiting the Saskatchewan Pavilion (got our picture taken with a real Canadian Mountie), passing Canada Hockey Place (some interesting sights outside the arena there), and generally having a good time downtown. Then we headed to BC Place for the Vancouver Victory Ceremony (aka "Medals Ceremony"). We ended-up sitting TWO ROWS from the Mountie honor guard that raised the flags for each set of winners. We witnessed only the second gold medal ever awarded a Canadian on Canadian soil (the place was pretty pumped!), and we got to see, via a video link to Whistler, Lindsey Vonn receive her gold. All in all, it was a huge day!

Today, we're headed back downtown to see the Olympic Cauldron (should get a better view now that the "Free the Torch" campaign has yielded results) and ride a trolley to Granville Island. Then (hopefully) we're going to go help make signs for a children's outreach we're helping with on Saturday. Which leads me to...
I've been so impressed with the ministry I've seen taking place all around. Yesterday, alone, we saw a Gospel of John distribution in what appeared to be 12-15 different languages, we passed the Salvation Army distributing free coffee, and we were approached by a Jews for Jesus volunteer. It's very encouraging to see so much going on. Join me in praying that, through it all, God will be glorified and many will be drawn to Him!
Well, time to get ready to head back out. More to come!