Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"This strange sea"

It's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea, but I'd rather be here than on land

I was recently asked what kind of music I listen to. Truth is, I pretty much listen to most anything my daughters (ages 23, 19 and 17) put in my CD player. The line above is from one of the songs I heard from them--Out of My League by Stephen Speaks--and it really sums up a lot of what my family and I have been through in the last several months. A couple of surgeries (with an ambulance ride to the ER in between), the sudden illness and death of my wife's mother, and a (fortunately minor) car accident interwoven throughout an interstate move (and a new job, of course) as our youngest entered her senior year in high school have made for some interesting times.

We truly believe that this move is what God has called us to, but it surely hasn't come about as we had imagined (or would have designed) it. Though we still know God is working through it all, it is certainly a "strange sea" to us. There have definitely been some "frightening" days, too, but they seem to be fewer and fewer as we go along.

God continues to be so much more than faithful through it all. I'm grateful for it all, but I'm especially grateful that He's blessed us with three beautiful daughters that can teach us some important truths--through their music and so much more.
